2015년 12월 5일 토요일

Sharing mnemosyne cards across multiple machines using dropbox and symlinks

Mnemosyne is available in the Arch User Repository (Archlinux) and installs itself into the following directories by default.

1. default.db and media files:


2. config files for syncing with other machines (through desktop app) or devices (through Android app):


My mnemosyne card database resides in  $HOME/Dropbox/mnemosyne and all changes are automatically synced by the dropbox daemon. To setup mnemosyne on a new machine, you should not create a symlink to #2 (info like machine.id needs to be unique for every machine mnemosyne is installed on) , but you need to symlink #1:

ln -s $HOME/Dropbox/mnemosyne $HOME/.local/share/

Now when you launch mnemosyne, your card database from Dropbox will be used.

If you don't symlink and simply click File->Open->nameOfDatabse.db residing in a cloud sync folder (using Dropbox, SpiderOak, etc), you will be able to access your cards; but when you try to sync cards from the Android app, the default.db on your local machine will sometimes reset and point back to $HOME/.local/share/mnemosyne
instead of a cloud sync folder.

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